iTop Installation Wizard Prerequisites validation: 2 Warning(s) Show details Hide details Warning: The current PHP Version (8.2.21) is not yet validated by Combodo. You may experience some incompatibility issues.
Warning: Missing optional PHP extension: ldap. LDAP authentication will be disabled.
Success: The current PHP Version (8.2.21) is greater than the minimum version required to run iTop, which is (7.4.0)
Success: The current PHP Version (8.2.21) is greater than the minimum version required to run next iTop major release, which is (8.1.0)
Success: The temp directory is writable by the application.
Success: Required PHP extension(s): curl, dom, fileinfo, gd, hash, iconv, json, mbstring, mysqli, pcre, session, simplexml, soap, zip, zlib.
Success: Optional PHP extension(s): sodium, openssl.
Success: Loaded php.ini files: /images/stable64/usr/local/php-config/8.2/php-fpm.ini
Success: The value for session.save_path (/tmp) is writable for the web server.